Friday, January 26, 2007

Hiatus nearly over

VE readers--thanks for hanging in over the past month. I've been on Winter break, fighting a nasty flu, and slacking in the realm of blogospheredom. I head back across the pond to start the new semester next week, and intend to:

1) Get rid of the annoying 'fake' comments that have adulterated discussion on this blog. (ps. Does anyone know if it is possible to make VE somehow 'immune' to receiving such comments.) If you don't know what I mean by 'fake' comments, just read the recent thread on McDowell and enjoy the advertisements for Viagra, chatlines, etc... all of which stand quite far removed from the 'space of reasons' under any interpretation....

2) I intend to post some more stuff about McDowell and epistemic luck in the near future. I'm currently working on a paper entitled: "Luck and Credit in the Space of Reasons."

Other things....

* For some interesting discussion about McDowell, check out Avery Archer's "The Space of Reasons" blog, which is going to be featured in an upcoming edition of Philosopher's Carnival

* Also to be featured at PC is an excellent student-run philosophy blog from my old haunt, the University of Missouri, entitled "Show-Me the Argument"... Justin McBrayer is doing a great job with this blog, and it is definitely worth checking out

* Thanks to Adrian Haddock and Avery Archer for engendering a good discussion on McDowell in my sickness-induced absence

* Final point: I've recently settled on a dissertation topic, which will be (tentatively) a defense of epistmic value pluralism. Expect to see quite a bit of discussion on this score in the months (and... yes... years, hopefully not too many) ahead

Cheers, Adam

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